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Montague Soapbox Races!

Sunday, June 1st, 2025 at noon

Unity Park hill, 1st Street, Turners Falls, MA

Three age brackets:

8-12 yrs old (kids)
13-19 yrs old (teens)
20+ yrs old (adults)


Basic rules: home made carts; minimum three wheels; one rider. No motors or any form of propulsion.

This event is a fundraiser for the Montague Parks & Rec Department.

LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS!! -- The Montague Soapbox Derby needs volunteers on race day to help set up the race track, check in racers, crew on the television production, and more! Sign up using the volunteer form, below.

Current Online Applications


A Fun and Educational Project for Your Family, School, or Troop!

Building and racing a gravity-fed car is a STEAM project (science, technology, engineering, art and math) and a healthy outdoor activity that everyone can enjoy.

All cars have the same basic considerations: the front and rear axles, frame, seating, steering and brakes. The following information will show you how to build a basic gravity-fed car safely and inexpensively, but it’s up to YOU to add your own brand of creativity!


There are dozens of “how to build a soapbox cart” videos on YouTube!

Download a PDF of the poster -->>

Racer Quote…

Alden Freeland, Gill, MA

Thank you for making this race a part of our community again! From collecting sponsorship, to building the cart, it has been a blast for my daughter Shayla and I. You guys bringing something to the community that everyone can rally around and show local pride is just fantastic. We can't wait!

- Cameron Freeland, Gill, MA

Montague Soapbox Events

Montague Soapbox Race

Sunday, June 1, 2025 at 12:00 PM 1st Street, Unity Park, Turners Falls, MA

Montague Soapbox Race News

Montague Soapbox Committee Planning 2025 Race

Help spitball ideas to expanded village participation and enthusiasm for this iconic event
Posted: 2025-01-15

Seventh Annual Montague Soapbox Race

To be held at Unity Park in Turners Falls, MA, Sunday, June 2nd, 2024
Posted: 2023-04-06

2022 Montague Soapbox Races Results

Glorious day of gravity racing in Turners Falls
Posted: 2022-09-19

Signup Deadline is in ONE WEEK

Deadline for signing up to race is Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Posted: 2022-09-07