Race Advertisers

photo of lawn signs and spectators

Race-Edge Sign Sponsors

Sponsors will get printed signs attached to the netting at the edge of the race, and mentions during the race from the announcers over the public address system, which will also be on the DVD produced by MCTV. First two signs are $75 and each additional sign is $50, up to 5, as long as they're all the same.

  • One sign: $75
  • Two signs: $150
  • Three signs: $200
  • Four signs: $250
  • Five signs: $300

Sponsors may keep the signs when the race is over, although letting the race committee store them for next year would save you $25 per sign for the first two.

If you wish to advertise in the race, please print out the Underwriting and Sponsoring Form and mail with a check in the appropriate amount.