Open Call for Sculptors and Artists

Montague Soapbox Derby Seeks Local Artists to Create Winning Trophies

Montague, MA -- The Montague Soapbox Derby, to be held on Saturday afternoon, September 17th, in Unity Park, Turners Falls, is looking for local artists and sculptors willing to help create a series of six to ten trophies for winners of the various style categories of soapbox carts entered into the derby.

Categories can be vague or specific, and trophy sizes may range from six inches to twenty inches in height. Any material may be used, found or crafted, as long as the trophy appears to be a valid, worthwhile object attained through excellence in that category, and must be able to be mounted on a standard wooden base, which will be provided by the race committee.

Artists may sign the trophy, and if they are interested in doing so, may present the trophy at the end of the races in the awards ceremony at the end of the race.

Artists interested in producing a trophy for the derby may call Mik Muller at (413) 320-5336 or go to the official derby website and fill out the "Contact Us" form.

The Montague Soapbox Derby is a fundraiser for Montague Community Cable TV, a 501(c)(3) non-profit.

Contact: Mik Muller (413) 320-5336

Posted: to Montague Soapbox Race News on Sat, Jul 30, 2011
Updated: Thu, Aug 18, 2011