Montague Soapbox VOLUNTEER Form

The Montague Soapbox Race cannot happen without the volunteers who donate their time to ensure the day goes smooth!

ALL volunteers will receive a free derby t-shirt.

Volunteers are expected to show up on time and enthusiastically fulfill their role.

Volunteer tasks include (1) helping set-up in the morning, and/or (2) helping during the race and helping with cleanup.

Morning / Setup Tasks:

Includes laying out about 100 hay bales; erecting the snow fencing along the track for attendee protection; helping with parking; checking in the racers; inspecting the racer carts; helping get them to the display area for attendees; helping get them up the hill, and other tasks.

Afternoon / Race Tasks:

Includes helping wrangle carts to the starting line; helping get them up on the starting ramps (adult racers only); helping time the racers; helping wrangle carts to the staging area to be brought back up the hill; helping with crowd control, and other tasks.

Please fill out the information, below, and we will get back to you in the weeks leading up to the race.


(8000 character limit. Characters so far: 0 Word Count: 0)

Please review what you entered before you click the Submit button, and click it ONLY ONCE.